Monday, July 18, 2022

Anata no mahou

Anata no mahou 
by Furuya Erika 
illus. by Shingo 
Language: Japanese 
Ishidaseihon Kabushikigaisya , 2022.
Summary: 赤ちゃんに恵まれない夫婦が、魔法使いを訪ね、それぞれの『いのちのかけら』を差し出すと…。 顕微授精で子を授かった作者が、我が子に「あなたがどうやって産まれたか」を伝えるために作ったお話です。 「魔法使い=医師」「魔法=生殖医療」と理解できるその日まで、この絵本が土台となりますように。 また、「産まれてきてくれてありがとう」「あなたの笑顔で家族が幸せになる」そんなストレートなメッセージも込めました。 

ずっと これからも — 卵子提供で家族になった物語

ずっと これからも — 卵子提供で家族になった物語 
by 早坂 バジル 
illus. by 湯浅 宣之 
Language: Japanese 
babycom, 2017. 
16 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 4990336658 ; 9784990336653 
Summary: 絵本『ずっと これからも ― 卵子提供で家族になった物語』は、日本で初めて、卵子提供で母親になった著者が、子どもにテリングする(出生の経緯を伝える)ための言葉をつづった、画期的な絵本です。卵子提供で家族になるまでを、あたたかな絵とやさしい文章で描きます。 【絵本の特長】 ●著者が卵子提供でママになった当事者 著者の早坂バジルさんは、米国で卵子提供を受け、1男1女の母親になった当事者です。 ●読み聞かせで、卵子提供のいきさつや子どもへの愛を伝える絵本 やさしい言葉と穏やかな絵です。子供が「赤ちゃんはどうやってできるの?」と尋ねたところから、ママのお話が始まります。手に手を取って、親子で歩み出すラストは静かな感動と希望を与えます。 ●テリングの解説書付き 親向けにeBookによる解説書『テリングのためのガイド』を提供しています。解説は、リプロダクションや生殖技術、不妊治療を専門とする静岡大学教授 白井千晶(しらいちあき)氏によるものです。絵本の裏表紙に記載されたURLから無料でダウンロードしてお読みいただけます。 

あかちゃんが うまれるまで (性とからだの絵本)

あかちゃんが うまれるまで (性とからだの絵本) 
by 遠見才希子 
illus. by 相野谷由起 
Language: Japanese 
童心社, 2022. 
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 4494018678 ; 9784494018673 
Summary: ママのおなかに赤ちゃんがきた! どこからきた?どうやってうまれるの? 「ぼく」の目を通して、四季のうつろいとともに、生命が胎内で芽ばえ、育ち、誕生するまでの過程によりそいます。 赤ちゃんができる仕組み、産科での診察のようす、胎児の成長も、やさしい絵と語り口で伝えます。帝王切開や不妊治療も紹介し、さまざまな生まれ方に触れることもできます。 


by 松本 えつを 
illus. by しょこら・ぺす 
Language: Japanese 
三恵社 , 2020. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 4866932171 ; 9784866932170
Summary: アオイちゃんは、待ちに待ったいとこのユズくんと対面し、初めて赤ちゃんが産まれるまでの話を聞きました。 また、誰しも、お医者さんの力を借りていること、自分も体外受精で生まれたことを知ります。 そんなある日、学校で「自分の生まれた時のことを調べる」宿題が出ました。 親からの愛情をみんなに自慢したくてワクワクするアオイちゃんの一方で、 帝王切開で産まれたという友達のタオちゃんは、なんだか悲しそうで…… 登場人物それぞれにとっての『ふたりの宝物』、あなたにとっての“宝物"とは何でしょう。 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Search for the Magical Egg

The Search for the Magical Egg 
by Rebecca Morrison 
illus. by Macky Pamintuan
Language: English 
Barlow Publishing, 2023. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1988025788 ; 9781988025780 
Summary: Sheldon is a turtle who lives in the deep blue sea and wiggles and jiggles every night to get himself ready for bed. One evening, he asks his parents the age-old question: Where do babies come from? The story the parents tell is an underwater search for the perfect egg—to make a turtle just like Sheldon. The Search for the Magical Egg is a beautifully illustrated book for parents to read to children ages 5 to 7, and it’s designed to help children who were conceived through IVF understand how they were born and how deeply they are loved.

The Bedtime Story

The Bedtime Story 
by Haley Seipel 
Language: English 
Christian Faith Publishing, 2022. 
20 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1639612653 ; 9781639612659 
Summary: A mother tells her young daughter the tale of how she came to be in the form of a bedtime story. This is a story of the pain and struggle of infertility, the miracle of God's grace, and the gift of children.

The Roo Who Grew in My Heart

The Roo Who Grew in My Heart 
by Elisabeth Madding 
illus. by Teresa Wellins and Dean Wellins
Language: English 
Elisabeth Madding, 2022. 
44 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 0578294036 : 9780578294032
Summary: The Roo Who Grew in My Heart is a story that explores surrogacy and associated concepts such as relationships, feelings, and emotions through the experiences of a kangaroo couple, Mr. and Mrs. Roo. Mrs. Roo was born without a pouch and is unable to have a joey on her own. Mr. and Mrs. Roo become Mommy and Daddy Roo with the help of Mommy Kanga, who carries their joey in her pouch. The Roo's become a family through the incredible gift of surrogacy. 

Sweet Little You

Sweet Little You 
by Joni Halabi 
illus. by Lisa Wee 
Language: English 
Joni Halabi, 2022. 
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 057839216X ; 9780578392165
Summary: An endearing new picture book lovingly shares a unique story of a mother with a dream of having a child who makes her wish come true by having a baby on her own. Tenderly written with beautiful painterly illustrations, Sweet Little You is a loving and unique story about a different path to becoming a family. In this tender affirmation, the story's new mother pens a love letter to her baby of how her child came to be and how she cherishes their little family of two. A precious and rhyming text shares the mother's promise to help them dream, explore, and find adventure in life. 

Friday, July 8, 2022

The ABC's of How You Had Me

The ABC's of How You Had Me 
by Vanessa Emily Hunt 
illus. by Shayna Olivier 
Language: English 
[United States]: Vanessa Emily Hunt, 2022. 
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798985480245 
Summary: The ABCs of How You Had Me is a companion series of books that explore donor conception and the role of assisted reproduction in your family's birth story. It's A Mommy And Me Story recognizes the single-mother-by-choice birth story in how a single-mother-by-choice decides to have a family and needs the help of a donor. In addition to the principal family-building themes, space exploration is gently introduced as a sub-theme to inspire curiosity for science, engineering, and space exploration. The ABCs of How You Had Me takes place in the near future as a nod to the ever-growing need for assisted reproduction. 

Hur blev jag till? Och hur kom jag ut?

Hur blev jag till? Och hur kom jag ut? 
by Asabea Britton 
illus. by Louise Winblad 
Language: Swedish 
[Sweden]: Rabén & Sjögren, 2022. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9789129737561 
Summary: Mammas mage är jättestor, för där inne ligger Ebos lillebror och snart ska han komma ut! Men förut låg Ebo därinne, det vet han, för det har mamma berättat. Men hur kunde han egentligen komma in i magen? Och hur gick det till när han kom ut? Asabea Britton är utbildad barnmorska och folkbildare inom graviditet och förlossning. Tillsammans med illustratören Louise Winblad, alias hejhejvardag, har hon skapat en bok om frågorna de allra flesta barn förr eller senare ställer. Genom Ebos berättelse får vi följa med på den fantastiska resan från ägg som möter spermie, via de nio månaderna i magen och slutligen till den stora stund när bebisen ska komma ut. Men här finns även plats för andra berättelser - det finns ju massor av olika sätt för en bebis att bli till, och nästan lika många sätt att födas på! En rättfram och spännande faktabok för alla vuxna som behöver lite hjälp på traven att förklara ett av livets allra största fenomen för nyfikna barn. 

Vegas Onkel Oskar Og Verdens Bedste Gave

Vegas Onkel Oskar Og Verdens Bedste Gave
by Marianne Birkeskov 
Language: Danish 
Marianne Birkeskov, 2021. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9788799933853 
Summary: Vega skal besøge onkel Oskar og hans kæreste Peter. De har lige fået en baby sammen med deres bedste veninde Anne. Babyen hedder Viggo. Hjemme hos onkel Oskar og Peter ser de billeder, fra dengang baby Viggo blev født. Pludselig begynder onkel Oskar og Peter at græde. Hvorfor bliver de mon kede af det? Bogen fortæller om pigen Vega, der har to mødre. Den handler om fordelene ved at have flere forældre, om at være højt elsket og ønsket, og om at julemanden ikke er den eneste, der kan få ønsker til at gå i opfyldelse. 

Before You Were You

Before You Were You 
by David Shmidt Chapman and Jonathan Shmidt Chapman 
illus. by Diane Nelson 
Language: English 
Brandylane Publishers, 2022. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9781953021458 
Summary: How do you make a baby, even when you don't have all the necessary ingredients? What does it take for two daddies to grow a family? Before You Were You is the story of how some babies are brought into the world with the help of an inspiring, creative community of friends, family, doctors, and no small measure of love. 

The Seed That Became Me

The Seed That Became Me 
by A. B. Haley 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2022. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798837206337 
Summary: This heartwarming children's book is about a little girl who starts noticing differences between her family and other families. She only has a mom, and she wonders why her friends have both a mom and a dad. Her mom goes on to tell her the story of how their family was created. 

Blake the Drake and the Enchanting Egg

Blake the Drake and the Enchanting Egg 
by Michael Hilscher 
illus. by Laura Ullrich 
 translated by Cynthia Pecking 
Language: English 
Michael Hilscher, 2022. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9783200083738 
Summary: Blake the Drake's biggest wish is to be a loving Papa duck. But as a male duck, he can't lay any eggs. Blake doesn't give up, believing with all his heart that one day, he'll have the chance to love and raise his very own baby duck. When Darcy Duck offers him one of her eggs to hatch, he seems to be one step closer to his dream. But it's not until another friend from the duck pond offers him her selfless support that Blake's dream can finally come true. And one day, a truly magical miracle happens at the pond. 

La nostra caccia al tesoro

La nostra caccia al tesoro 
by Corinna S. Guerzoni 
illus. by Chiara Cappellini 
Language: Italian 
Independently published, 2021. 
48 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798787863864 
Summary: La nostra caccia al tesoro è una storia scritta con vocaboli semplici e metafore vicine ai bambini che richiede di essere sfogliata, guardata e letta insieme ai vostri figli, senza particolari limiti legati all’età. I bambini, già dai primissimi anni di vita, maturano numerosi interrogativi rispetto alle loro origini chiedendo risposte chiare e precise sulla loro nascita. Per un genitore raccontare al proprio figlio l’esperienza di procreazione medicalmente assistita (PMA), nello specifico il percorso dell’embriodonazione/embrioadozione, può configurarsi un’esperienza complessa. La fiaba narrata da mamma Milena ad Andrea è uno strumento pensato per accompagnare adulti e bambini a trovare le parole per elaborare l’esperienza della nascita e della costituzione del proprio sistema famiglia (uno dei tanti possibili). I racconti, più di altri strumenti, utilizzano un codice comunicativo vicino alle esperienze dei bambini, restituendo alle vicende il fascino che una favola porta con sé. Vivere questa esperienza con i propri figli rappresenta un’importante occasione di crescita familiare nella quale celebrare i legami in essa costituiti e l’unicità della propria storia. Una storia “non fa sentire soli” poiché qualcun altro vive o ha vissuto la stessa esperienza, fatta di parole, sentimenti e immagini nelle quali rispecchiarsi e quindi riconoscersi. La nostra caccia al tesoro si rivolge a qualsiasi formazione familiare. La protagonista della fiaba è una mamma single che intraprende un percorso alla ricerca del "suo tesoro"; tuttavia la sua esperienza può servire da spunto a chiunque abbia fatto ricorso alle pratiche di PMA e che abbia il desiderio di raccontare in chiave giocosa il proprio cammino a figli, parenti e amici. 

The Journey to You: A Single Mum by Choice Story

The Journey to You: A Single Mum by Choice Story 
by Natalie Hart 
illus. by Jess Bircham 
Language: English 
[Australia]: Natalie Hart, 2022. 
p. : col. ill. ; cm. 

The Journey to You: A Double Donor Story

The Journey to You: A Double Donor Story
by Natalie Hart 
illus. by Jess Bircham 
Language: English 
[Australia]: Natalie Hart, 2022. 
p. : col. ill. ; cm. 

Forever Together, a single mum by choice story with egg and sperm donation

Forever Together, a single mum by choice story with egg and sperm donation 
by Carmen Martinez Jover 
illus. by Rosemary Martinez 
Language: English 
Carmen Martinez Jover, 2022. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9786072934702 
Summary: This is a story to help single mothers by choice share with their children how they were conceived. It is a story of a squirrel, Somy, and how she becomes a Mum. After a birthday party, she realises she is growing older and needs to decide if she wants to become a Mum. She tries to meet someone and then decides to go for sperm donation. In this version, she also goes for egg donation. The book is very colourful and ideal for children even before they can read because the pictures are so full of details it easily captures the child s attention. It is my intention that the book should be easy for parents to read to their child so that gradually, as the child grows they will begin to understand their origins, in an easy and amusing manner. 

A Mother's Journey: A Story about How We Became a Family (IVF Conception)

A Mother's Journey: A Story about How We Became a Family (IVF Conception) 
by Kimi Hall 
 illus. by Sofi Butusova 
Language: English 
Kimi Hall, 2022. 
38 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 0645396761 ; 9780645396768
Summary: This book is a mother's explanation to her young child about her heartfelt journey through infertility, miscarriage, donor sperm selection, IVF process, and the pregnancy that led to creating their family. 

Luna & The Rainbow Boy: How strength, love and science gave one mama the best miracle of all

Luna & The Rainbow Boy: How strength, love and science gave one mama the best miracle of all 
by Amiee Laura Knubley 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2022. 
47 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 0645496405; 9780645496406
Summary: Luna & The Rainbow Boy is a story of how strength, love, and science gave one mama the best miracle of all. With beautiful illustrations and a rhyming tale, it is the perfect book to sit down with a child starting the conversation to answer the story of where they came from, showing them that their mama is the strongest of all. 'Mama' starts her journey to motherhood with a great hurdle. She is alone and scared, and she just can't seem to find her baby! She just can't do it alone, but will she ask for help? We follow the story as she dreams and wishes for a sweet baby to be and overcomes the highs and falls that come with treatment such as IVF. In Mama's journey, she has the biggest fall of all, when she loses her first baby, Luna - now a bright light in the sky. A reminder that there is always light in the darkness. The story tells of how kindness, courage, and strength are our greatest gifts of all. As we reach the end we find out whether Mama can stand tall and use her magic with science to finally meet her rainbow boy. It's an inspiring tale filled with magic and hope and paired with delicate illustrations, designed to excite wonder in the child as they sit with their parent on their new storybook adventure. 

Asteria's Journey

Asteria's Journey 
by Jennifer Biffer 
illus. by Joelle Haight 
Language: English 
Jennifer Biffer, 2022. 
26 p. : col. ill. cm. 
ISBN: 9780578379869 
Summary: This book is intended to be a tool for parents who have gone through fertility treatments to become parents. It follows Asteria on her journey to motherhood set in a fairy tale so that a child can better understand and relate to the complicated subject matter. It allows for a conversation starter for parents on what is typically a difficult subject. 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

A Baby for Matt & Rusty

A Baby for Matt & Rusty 
by Margaret Howe 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2022. 
49 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798815928367 
Summary: Rusty and Matt have a beautiful life together, but one thing is missing: a child of their own to love. The two embark on a search for an egg and a mommy to help them become daddies, and along the way introduce young children to the concepts of biological and birth mothers. Based on the story of a real family and filled with warm, engaging illustrations, A Baby for Matt and Rusty celebrates same-sex parents and the love they had for their child before he was even born. 


Mis Mamas: Un Cuento de Amor 
by Lorena Laserre 
Language: Spanish 
Independently published, 2022. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798802001028 
Summary: Este bello cuento relata la historia de dos mujeres enamoradas que desean tener un hijo mediante el metodo ROPA. Recepcion de ovocitos de la pareja.

La Pinguina Tina: Un cuento sobre ovodonacion

La Pinguina Tina: Un cuento sobre ovodonacion 
by Lorena Laserre 
Language: Spanish 
Independently published, 2022. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798430725181 
Summary: Este cuento para niñxs pequeños para colorear relata la historia de un nacimiento por ovodonacion. Mientras tu hijo colorea el cuento, la historia dice como Tina -que no podia tener hijos de sus propios huevos- llega a ser mamá de Toto. Es simple y breve, muy lindo. 

La Osa Maia es Mama por Ovo y Espermodonacion: Un cuento para familia monoparental

La Osa Maia es Mama por Ovo y Espermodonacion: Un cuento para familia monoparental 
by Lorena Laserre 
Language: Spanish 
Independently published, 2022. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798442481471 
Summary: Una Osa sin pareja decide ser madre gracias a la donacion de esperma de un Oso y la donacion de ovulo de una osa lo lograra! Acompañala en su travesia!

¿Cómo nacen los Dinos?: Cuento sobre doble donación de gametos

¿Cómo nacen los Dinos?: Cuento sobre doble donación de gametos 
by Lorena Laserre 
Language: Spanish 
Independently published, 2022. 
30 p. : col. il.. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798443751160 
Summary: Una pareja de Dinosaurios necesitara la donación de un ovulo y un espermatozoide para lograr tener un bebe Dino. Acompañalos en su camino tan maravilloso. Este cuento infantil apunta a relatar el origen de niños nacidos por donacion de gametos. 

Ice Ice Baby: An IVF Book For Kids

Ice Ice Baby: An IVF Book For Kids 
by Lauren Soto 
illus. by Zoe Laverne 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2022. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798802854006 
Summary: Many couples need IVF to complete their family. While this is a huge blessing, it can be confusing for kids who ask how they got here. Parents sometimes aren't sure when and how to explain their child's special conception. Ice Ice Baby can help! With bright colorful pages, children as young as two can learn about the awesome way they came to join their family. 

Mirakel-Maja och guldägget

Mirakel-Maja och guldägget 
by Lina Remnert 
illus. by Arne Remnert 
Language: Swedish 
[Sweden]: BoD, 2022. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9789180579278 
Summary: Berätta om guldägget och hur jag blev till, säger Maja. Berättelsen om den magiska resan från ägg till Maja är en av de mest spännande hon vet. Lo och Charlie berättar för Maja om deras längtan efter barn och om en snäll flicka som gav dem ett guldägg. Ägget som sedan blev Mirakel-Maja. Mirakel-Maja och guldägget är en bok om äggdonation. Boken passar för barn och deras föräldrar, som på ett lekfullt sätt vill prata om olika sätt att bli till. 

On Brighter Days

On Brighter Days 
by Kyla Saphir 
illus. by Jazila Andini 
Language: English 
Artist Madrid Books, 2022. 
p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
Summary: On Brighter Days focuses on only children and their feelings about wanting a sibling but ultimately realizing how lucky they are to be in a small loving family. It is pretty universal that children ask for things they want but that may not be possible (a puppy, a new toy, or a sibling). This book highlights the importance of appreciating all the wonderful things that children do have in their families, no matter the size. 

Hetty the Hen Who Couldn't Lay

Hetty the Hen Who Couldn't Lay 
by Sarah Igo 
illus. by Rebecca Williamson 
Language: English 
Matador, 2022. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1803131535 ; 9781803131535
Summary: Meet Hetty the hen who just couldn’t lay. Journey with her and her plucky, clucky sisters as she strives for the one thing she is desperate for above all else; a chick of her own to love. Written from the heart, by a mother who was told at the age of 14 that she could never have children, Hetty can be enjoyed as a story about kindness and sharing in its own right, or used to open a dialogue about egg donation and IVF. This story was written to honour the author’s sister’s immeasurable act of love and altruism, (as Hetty says – ‘what’s in it for you? I can’t give one back, although I’d love to’) to help her daughter understand her own story and, in the hope that it might help other Hettys, Harriets and ‘chicks’ out there.


by Kelly Hopton-Jones 
illus. by Alice Jago 
Language: English 
WestBow Press, 2022. 
34 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1664261486 ; 9781664261488
Summary: This book is dedicated to each and every person whose journey to parenthood is different than what you imagined it to be. It is a story for anyone who has felt uncertainty in the wait, it's for anyone who has felt heartache in the loss, it's for anyone who has had to choose a path that's different than they originally planned. The purpose is to give hope in the unknown, and above all, know that you are not alone. 

Forever Together, a single mum by choice story with egg and sperm donation for twins

Forever Together, a single mum by choice story with egg and sperm donation for twins
by Carmen Martínez Jover 
illus. by Rosemary Martinez 
Language: English 
Carmen Martinez Jover, 2022. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 6072934749 ; 9786072934740
Summary: This is a story to help single mothers by choice share with their twins how they were conceived. It is a story of a squirrel, Somy, and how she becomes a Mum. After a birthday party, she realises she is growing older and needs to decide if she wants to become a Mum. She tries to meet someone and then decides to go for sperm donation. In this version, she also goes for egg donation. The book is very colourful and ideal for children even before they can read because the pictures are so full of details it easily captures the child s attention. It is my intention that the book should be easy for parents to read to their child so that gradually, as the child grows they will begin to understand their origins, in an easy and amusing manner.