Saturday, February 27, 2021

Creating Me!


Creating Me! 
by Lynn Polin and Drew Polin  
illus. by Mike Goldstein 
Language: English 
Bowkers, 2021. 
25 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1735642010 ; 9781735642017 
Summary: Family-building is hard. Answering a child’s question of “How was I made?” after undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) is even harder. My family-building story has been a 6-year journey consisting of 10 in-vitro fertilization cycles. When my 4-year-old daughter asked, “Mommy, how was I made?” I wasn’t prepared to break down the complexity of the truth into simplified language. That’s how this all came to be. "Creating Me" is a customizable children’s book series for parents to explain conception through assisted reproductive technology (ART). With a balance of scientific and kid-friendly language, this personalized text is a beautiful way for any family to be able to share their conception story with their child(ren). 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Die Glockenelfen


Die Glockenelfen 
by Gabi Deeg 
illus. by Friederike Ablang 
Language: German 
Windy Verlag GmbH, 2021. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 3948417083 ; 9783948417086
Summary: In einem Land, das fern und nah, erdacht und echt ist, leben Glockenelfen. Das Elfen-Paar Firella und Amander wünscht sich sehnlich ein Baby – doch es klappt nicht, so sehr sie es auch versuchen. Die Zeit vergeht, ohne dass die Blüten in Firellas Garten zu leuchten beginnen und ihren Wunsch erfüllen. Als ein kleiner Vogel unerwartete Hilfe anbietet, machen sich die beiden Glockenelfen auf einen langen Weg. Eine poetische Elfengeschichte oder eine Fabel für Kinder, die auf ungewöhnliche Weise in diese Welt getreten sind? „Die Glockenelfen“ ist beides. Sie zeigt, wie ein Glockenelfenpärchen einen neuen Weg geht, um endlich Eltern zu werden. Mit Liebe, Mut und Beharrlichkeit. 

Die Geschichte von Herrn und Frau Igel: Einfühlsames Bilderbuch über unerfüllten Kinderwunsch & Identität


Die Geschichte von Herrn und Frau Igel: Einfühlsames Bilderbuch über unerfüllten Kinderwunsch & Identität 
by Michaela Rosenbaum 
illus. by Claudia Fries 
Language: German 
Windy Verlag GmbH, 2020. 
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 3948417164 ; 9783948417161
Summary: Eine Tier-Fabel für Kinder, die sensibilisiert: Bleib dir selbst treu! Herr und Frau Igel haben sich lieb und wünschen sich ein klitzekleines Igel-Baby. Doch Frau Igel wird einfach nicht schwanger. Sie fragen die Tiere des Waldes: die Kaninchen mit ihren zahlreichen kleinen Langohren, die Wildschweine mit ihren vielen Frischlingen und zuletzt die schlaue Eule. Aber all die gut gemeinten Ratschläge helfen dem Igel-Paar nicht weiter. Als sie sich schließlich auf das besinnen, was Igel gerne tun, hat das Warten endlich ein Ende ... Einfühlsam und mit einem Augenzwinkern erzählt Michaela Rosenbaum in ihrem Kinderbuch „Die Geschichte von Herrn und Frau Igel“ die Odyssee eines Paares auf ihrem Weg zum erfüllten Kinderwunsch. Witzig und kindgerecht erklärt: Nicht jeder Ratschlag passt zu dir! Ob Möhren essen, sich im Schlamm suhlen oder nachts auf einem Ast sitzen: Manchmal ist es schwierig, ein Kind zu bekommen, auch wenn man die Tipps anderer befolgt. Doch jeder muss einen eigenen Weg zum Glück finden. Sich verbiegen und gegen seine Natur handeln, helfen nicht. Das sensible Thema „Kinderwunsch“ wird in dieser Tier-Fabel leicht und kindgerecht erklärt. Darüber hinaus werden zwei wichtige Botschaften vermittelt: „Jeder ist anders.“ und „Bleib dir selbst treu.“! Thema „Kinderwunsch“ - lustig verpackt als Bilderbuch zum Vorlesen für Kinder ab 4 Jahren Man muss nicht immer Ratschläge anderer befolgen: eine Tier-Fabel mit dem Fokus auf Selbsttreue Erwachsene verstehen: Warum Mama und Papa traurig sind, dass es mit dem Geschwisterchen nicht klappt Verkürzt die Wartezeit aufs Baby: Einfühlsam und kreativ erzählte Aufklärungsgeschichte für Geschwisterkinder und solche, die es werden wollen. 

Ich bin ein Kinderwunsch-Wunschkind: Ein Erzähl- und Erklärbuch für Kinder


Ich bin ein Kinderwunsch-Wunschkind: Ein Erzähl- und Erklärbuch für Kinder 
by Ruthild Schulze 
illus. by Constanze Guhr 
Language: German 
Stadelmann Verlag, 2020. 
84 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 3943793834 ; 9783943793833 
Summary: Jann ist 8 Jahre alt und geht in die 2. Klasse. Eines Tages kommt eine Hebamme in seine Schule und erzählt den Kindern von ihrer Arbeit. Sie erklärt ihnen, was während einer Schwangerschaft im Körper der Mutter passiert und wie ein Kind geboren wird. Wie ein Baby entsteht, das hat Jann bereits von seinen Eltern erfahren, als er wissen wollte, woher seine kleine Schwester kommt. Dass bei ihm aber alles ganz anders war, erfährt er jetzt, als er seiner Mutter vom Besuch der Hebamme erzählt. Er hört zum ersten Mal Wörter wie Kinderwunsch- Zentrum , Petrischale und Brutschrank . Und freut sich, dass seine Eltern diesen schwierigen Weg gegangen sind, weil sie sich ihn, Jann, so sehr gewünscht haben. 

Nanette's Barrette: Inspired by the True Story of a Family Dream Fulfilled Through Surrogacy


Nanette's Barrette: Inspired by the True Story of a Family Dream Fulfilled Through Surrogacy 
by Nathan Chan 
illus. by Catherine Lee 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2021. 
29 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798708959867 
Summary: Families come in all forms, shapes and sizes. Nanette's Daddy wanted to be a Parent so badly because he had so much love to give to his little one. Nanette's Barrette is inspired by real-life events / true story of their journey to how they met and how they interact with the world around them, to teach others about how diverse families exist and come together. This children's book demonstrates acceptance and the quest of one parent wanting to meet his beloved child. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Storia di un Bambino al Microscopio


Storia di un Bambino al Microscopio 
by Lucia Maroni 
illus. by Anna Formilan 
Language: Italian 
[Italy]: Publistampa, 2020. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9788885726376 
Summary: Questo libro è stato pensato da una mamma per raccontare al proprio bambino com'è nato, attraverso la procreazione medicalmente assistita. Un libro concepito perché altre mamme e papà possano trovare le immagini e le parole per raccontare ai propri bambini "nati al microscopio" un pezzettino della loro storia, con sincerità, tenerezza e rispetto. Età di lettura: da 6 anni. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Pas De Petite Soeur Pour Maélia


Pas De Petite Soeur Pour Maélia 
by Nelly Havette 
illus. by Julie Machado 
Language: French 
Independently published, 2019. 
31 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1795284668 ; 9781795284660
Summary: Maélia est une enfant unique, aujourd'hui âgée de 10ans, qui, très tôt, ne comprend pas pourquoi elle n'a ni petite sœur ni petit frère.Ce livre pour enfants raconte le parcours du combattant de ses parents, désireux d'avoir un deuxième enfant.Il n'est pas toujours évident pour des parents d'expliquer à leur enfant des sujets liés à la stérilité, la fertilité, les fécondations in vitro. Ce livre, écrit pour répondre aux questions de Maélia, est plus particulièrement destiné aux enfants âgés de 3 à 8 ans qui ne comprennent pas pourquoi ils n'auront jamais de petite sœur ou petit frère. Il permet aux parents d'expliquer à leur enfant avec des mots simples, doux et justes une situation difficile, aux obstacles souvent nombreux pour mettre au monde naturellement un enfant.Il donne aussi de l'espoir en entrouvrant la porte vers l'adoption. 

Con sinh ra từ trái tim mẹ (You were born from my heart)


Con sinh ra từ trái tim mẹ (You were born from my heart) 
by Thị Hồ Điệp Phan 
illus. by Nhật Nam Đỗ 
Language: Vietnamese and English 
 Hà Nội [Vietnam] : Nhà xuất bản Lao Động, Hà Nội [Vietnam] : Thái Hà books, 2020. 2020. © 2019. 
35 pages : color illustrations ; 21 cm. 
ISBN: 9786043010008 ; 6043010003 
Summary: Children's story about a kid who is being raised by a single mother. The kid was born from artificial insemination. 

My Daddies, the Princess and the Fairy: Simple words and pictures to explain surrogacy to children


My Daddies, the Princess and the Fairy: Simple words and pictures to explain surrogacy to children 
by Yoann Ortega 
illus. by Christelle Ponche 
Language: English 
Summary: My Daddies, the Princess, and the Fairy lead children from 3 to 5 years old to understand surrogacy through simple words and illustrations boosting their imagination. The story is told by a young girl born through surrogacy. She explains to her Panda how she was born and how her dads founded her family… all with a lot of love and imagination. Through this story, the notions of homoparentality, family, surrogate, or donor are discussed… A stepping stone to stimulate discussions between parents and children. 

The Magic Egg Book


The Magic Egg Book 
by Shauna Nicholson-Kelly 
illus. by Maris June Findling 
Language: English 
Dancing Moon Press, 2021. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1945587598 ; 9781945587597
Summary: On sunny day on Woodpecker Farm, the eggs hatched and the baby chicks tumbled out into the world. But not all of the mama hens had babies of their own. Sometimes it takes kindness and a little bit of magic to make a family. How do you explain to a child that their family may have been created differently than other families but is still just as beautiful? A new children's picture book was created by a mom who asked herself that very question. The Magic Egg Book, by Shauna Nicholson-Kelly, tells the story of a mama hen and a baby chick who find one another other in a special way.

2 Bee Dads


2 Bee Dads 
by Kevin D. Knezevic-Maragh 
illus. by Dirk Gunning 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2021. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798685634825 
Summary: This is a book to help Gay Dads explain the surrogacy process to their children. The book provides a colorful and simple explanation of how a gay couple can create a family regardless of sexuality to welcome a child into a loving home.

Creating Our Miracle


Creating Our Miracle 
by Erin H. Azzopardi 
illus. by Indira Ogunbiyi 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2020. 
30 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798657552607 
Summary: Written for children who are born through the process of IVF and Sperm Donation. To gain a better understanding of how they are created. 

Auston the Magical Egg


Auston the Magical Egg 
by Stephanie Macri and Vince Macri 
illus. by Nicholas Mueller 
Language: English 
Friesen Press, 2021. 
col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1525594451 ; 9781525594458
Summary: When a little boy named Auston notices a bird's nest in his backyard, with a mommy bird and her three little eggs, he is very excited. He watches them for days until the eggs hatch and become little baby birds! It's truly amazing, but he has so many questions! He starts to wonder where he came from. He even wonders if he started out his life as a tiny egg, just like the adorable little birds. He has no idea that his mommy has an amazing story to tell him, about eggs, babies, and doctors who help Mommies and Daddies create them when they can't manage on their own. He learns that his parents needed that kind of help too, and that they needed to work really hard just to have him, after years of trying. Hearing her story, Auston learns how very special he is, and just how loved and wanted he has always been. 

Our Mama's Surrogacy Journey


Our Mama's Surrogacy Journey 
by Amanda M. Harden 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2021. 
34 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798595546416 
Summary: "Our Mama's Surrogacy Journey" tells the story of surrogacy through the eyes of children. Narrated by Eli and Ella, children of a surrogate, this illustrated 32-page book introduces the surrogacy journey. As a first-time surrogate, I wanted to provide my children with books to enhance their experience of the surrogacy journey. Not finding many options available, I decided to write my own book based on my experience. A surrogacy journey affects the entire family, and I loved involving my children in all the steps. "Our Mama's Surrogacy Journey" is tailored for children of surrogates, but is a great resource for all children as it embraces the diversity of families. 

Eve Gets A Sister: A story about egg donation, frozen embryo transfers and the journey to become a family


Eve Gets A Sister: A story about egg donation, frozen embryo transfers and the journey to become a family
written and illustrated by Heather L. Genik 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2021. 
25 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798707279188 
Summary: As a follow up to "How Monkey Bears Are Made", this book addresses adding a sibling through frozen embryo transfer. Heather and Eve travel together to meet the doctors who made Eve. The book also addresses the ups and downs of becoming a big sister. 

How Monkey Bears Are Made: A story about egg donation and the journey to become a family


How Monkey Bears Are Made: A story about egg donation and the journey to become a family 
written and illustrated by Heather L. Genik 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2021. 
29 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9798706106997 
Summary: After many years of trying to have a baby, Heather Monkey and Murray Bear decide to accept a donation of eggs from Heather's friend Henny. This book tells the story of creating a family through egg donation. It is written in easy to understand language, directed at children of all ages. This book addresses creating embryos using donor eggs, without going into all the gory details, making it ideal for young children. This makes the perfect bedtime story, to tell your children how they came to be, as the story is written in such a way that kids can relate to it.