Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Mamá sueña con un Bichito de Luz

Mom dreams of a Bichito Light 
by Judit Franch 
Language: Spanish 
[Spain]: Vox Liberum Books, 2014. 
28 p. : Col. ill. cm. 
ISBN: 9781910650004 
Summary: This story is a starting point for you, as a single mother by choice, you can explain to your child that has been conceived through assisted reproduction treatment and thanks to an anonymous donor semen. As your hijo grow and / or show curiosity you can go to expand the information on the reproductive system, fertilization methods, etc. In the book there is no mention at any time the father figure. 

1 comment:

  1. Un cuento muy tierno. Cuenta las cosas tal cual son con una dulzura increíble.
