Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Eric y su familia: la historia de un niño nacida por gestación subrogada

Eric y su familia: la historia de un niño nacida por gestación subrogada 
by Luis Moya Albiol and Denis Zamaro
illus. by Mercedes Balaguer 
Language: Spanish 
[Spain]: Bostezo, 2015. 
ISBN: 9788494192654 
Summary: Eric tiene un papá y una mamá. Vino al mundo gracias a la ayuda de Megan, que cuidó de él durante los nueve meses de embarazo. Un cuento para visibilizar y explicar a los niños y las niñas las diversas maneras de conformar una familia. 
Subject headings:

  • Maternidad subrogada -- Libros infantiles


Esperando a pingüi

Esperando a pingüi 
by Rubén García and Anabel Manchón 
illus. by Azahar L. Giner 
Language: Spanish 
[Spain]: Chocolate, 2015. 
ISBN: 9788494485206 
Summary: Pingüi es un pequeño pingüinito emperador que nació fruto del gran amor de sus padres y de una pingüina muy generosa que permitió que estuviera en su tripita hasta que viniera al mundo porque su mamá no podía tenerlo. Pero Pingüi también es un pingüino emperador, uno de las razas más bellas, fieles y valientes que hay en nuestro planeta. Todos los años estas aves dejan el océano, su hábitat habitual, para iniciar un viaje hacia el interior de la Antártida, su lugar de reproducción ancestral. Y es allí donde para que los polluelos sobrevivan, las mamás pingüinas han de hacer varios viajes desde el lugar de anidamiento hasta el océano, donde capturan la comida, mientras los papás Pingüi cuidan del polluelo a lo largo de varios meses, soportando las bajas temperaturas antárticas para proteger a su huevo del frío extremo, y durante todo este tiempo no se alimentan, por lo que pierden mucho peso mientras incuban, a la espera de que su cría salga del cascarón. Como los pingúinos emperadores, nuestro protagonista Pingüi nació también en tierras lejanas a la que tuvieron que viajar sus papis para poder tenerlo. Este cuento infantil esta inspirado en la propia historia de Anabel y Rubén, los autores de “Esperando a Pingüi”, y su viaje a Tailandia para hacer realidad su sueño de ser padres a través de la gestación subrogada. 

Papá, Papi y yo: la historia de una niña nacida por gestación subrogada

Papá, Papi y yo: la historia de una niña nacida por gestación subrogada 
by Luis Moya Albiol and Denis Zamaro
illus. by Mercedes Balaguer 
Language: Spanish 
[Spain]: Bostezo, 2015. 
ISBN: 9788494192647 
Summary: Ornella tiene dos papás. Vino al mundo gracias a Melissa, que cuidó de ella durante los nueve meses de embarazo. Un cuento para visibilzar y explicar a los niños y a las niñas las diversas maneras de confromar una familia. 

Lucía y el cofre mágico de la familia

Lucía y el cofre mágico de la familia 
by Rosa Maestro 
illus. by Bárbara Guillén Feltrer 
Language: Spanish 
ISBN: 9788460843887 
Summary: “Lucía y el cofre mágico” cuenta la historia de una niña cuyo deseo navideño es tener una familia como su mamá y su abuela. Berta, la abuela le cuenta como su madre nació del amor entre ella y su abuelo, pero que sin saber por qué ya no llegaron más hijos. Y aprovecha para contarle cómo su madre intentó tenerla durante mucho tiempo y que cuando ya había perdido todas las esperanzas, una donante, le regaló el óvulo que necesitaban para que ella pudiese venir al mundo. Un cuento que ayudará a que muchos niños conozcan sus orígenes. Y no solo eso, sino que nos acerca a la reproducción asistida como una forma natural y actual de llegar a la maternidad así como a los problemas reproductivos con los que muchas mujeres se encuentran en la actualidad. 

Friday, December 18, 2015

A Baby for Mummy: Explaining Artificial Insemination (IUI) for young children

A Baby for Mummy: Explaining Artificial Insemination (IUI) for young children 
by Julie Cavaney 
illus. by Craig Cavaney 
Language: English 
Amazon Digital Services, Inc., 2015. 
Summary: A Baby for Mummy is for children of single Mum's by choice to share with to their child or children. It's introduces the concept of a sperm donor conception through artificial insemination (IUI) to children born from sperm donors to single mothers. This book celebrates how much our children are wanted and loved. 

A Baby for Mummy: Donor conception (IVF) explained for young children

A Baby for Mummy: Donor conception (IVF) explained for young children 
by Julie Cavaney 
illus. by Craig Cavaney 
Language: English 
Amazon Digital Services, Inc., 2015. 
Summary: A Baby for Mummy is for children of single Mum's by choice to share with to their child or children. It's introduces the concept of a sperm donor conception through IVF to children born from sperm donors to single mothers. This book celebrates how much our children are wanted and loved. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

L'aventure de la naissance avec la PMA

L'aventure de la naissance avec la PMA
by Catherine Dolto and Myriam Szejer
Illus. by Sandrine Martin
Language: French
Hors Série Giboulées, 2014.
75 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9782070640225
Summary: Ce livre est pour toi qui es né avec la PMA, parce que ton histoire de vie est unique et que ta naissance a été particulière. Dans certaines naissances, les choses se passent de manière spéciale. C'est le cas dans l'histoire du tout début de ta vie au moment si précieux de ta conception. Quand ta mère et ton père ont désiré avoir un enfant ensemble et devenir tes parents, ils ont longtemps attendu mais tu ne venais pas. Alors ils en ont parlé à un médecin qui leur a proposé son aide. C'était le début d'un long chemin pas toujours facile, mais qui s'est bien terminé puisque, au bout de ce chemin, il y avait toi!
Subject headings:

  • Procréation médicalement assistée – Ouvrages pour la jeunesse


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mis dos mamás me miman

Mis dos mamás me miman 
by Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro 
illus. by Yatzel Sabat 
Language: Spanish 
CreateSpace, 2015. 
56 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1514369095 ; 9781514369098 
Summary: Vanne es una niña que ama a su madre y quiere verla alegre. Es por eso que su madurez le permite disfrutar del amor y la igualdad. Vanne saber que todos los seres humanos tienen derecho a ser muy felices.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ready-made sweetie

Ready-made sweetie 
by Whitney Williams 
Language: English, 2015. 
24 p. : col. ill. cm. 
ISBN: 1364823411 ; 9781364823412 
Summary: A story about using donor "mix" to bake a family. Mr. and Mrs. Cupcake want to grow their family, but they don't have any ingredients! They put out a call for donor cupcake mix and soon receive the 'sweetest' blessing—all that's left is a bake in Mrs. Cupcake's oven! A fun book to help children understand the basic ideas of embryo donation/adoption with a designated section families can use to share the details of their own journey. Sure to be a forever keepsake; inspirational Bible verses included. 
Subject headings:

  • Adoption -- Juvenile fiction
  • Human embryo -- Transplantation -- Juvenile fiction
  • Fertilization in vitro, Human -- Juvenile fiction


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Children's book on IVF

Children's book on IVF 
by Camilla McConnell and Anastasia Nyman
illus. by Camilla McConnell
Language: English and Swedish
Camilla McConnell, 2015. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9789163795701
Summary: Sara has snuggled down on the sofa between Mummy and Daddy. The family is watching Sara's favourite programme about Stella the horse. Stella gives birth to her much longed-for foal. Sara wonders how she came about. Mummy and Daddy explain with simple words the concepts of IVF. Children's book on IVF explains with elucidative illustrations the concepts of insemination, standard IVF and ICSI.
Subject headings:

  • Flickor
  • Familjen
  • Provörsbefruktning

More information:

Saturday, October 17, 2015

One, two, family

One, two, family 
by Michal Keidar 
illus. by Nurit Yuval 
Language: English 
CreateSpace, 2015 
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1516975448 ; 9781516975440 
Summary: One, Two, Family is a children's book also suitable for toddlers. It tells the story of one family comprising of a mother, a girl and a boy. This particular family is very much like most, in which more often than not there are two parents and one or more children, but it differs from most in that this is a single parent family. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

אבא של יואבי

אבא של יואבי 
by Margalit Mor 
Language: Hebrew 
Summary: יואבי בן השלוש גר עם אביו ואמו בשכונת קריית מנחם שבירושלים. אבא שלומי איננו האב הביולוגי של יואבי, אך הקשר והקרבה הקיימים ביניהם מיוחדים, עמוקים ועצומים. בדרך מעודנת, ילדית ופשוטה פותח הספר נושאים שלא מדברים עליהם במקומותינו אבל רבים חווים אותם – הצורך העז של גבר עקר לממש את זכותו לאבהות, והבאת ילד לעולם באמצעות תרומת זרע.
Subject headings: 

  • Children's stories, Hebrew -- 21st century
  • Artificial insemination -- Juvenile fiction
  • Families -- Juvenile fiction


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Mamá sueña con un Bichito de Luz

Mom dreams of a Bichito Light 
by Judit Franch 
Language: Spanish 
[Spain]: Vox Liberum Books, 2014. 
28 p. : Col. ill. cm. 
ISBN: 9781910650004 
Summary: This story is a starting point for you, as a single mother by choice, you can explain to your child that has been conceived through assisted reproduction treatment and thanks to an anonymous donor semen. As your hijo grow and / or show curiosity you can go to expand the information on the reproductive system, fertilization methods, etc. In the book there is no mention at any time the father figure. 

Mamá y Papá sueñan con un Bichito de Luz

Mamá y Papá sueñan con un Bichito de Luz
by Judit Franch
Language: Spanish
[Spain] : Liberum Vox Books, 2015.
27 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781910650035
Summary: Porque hay muchos Bichitos de Luz y cada uno es único y especial. Cuentos para niños que te ayudarán a responder a la pregunta: "Y yo ¿cómo nací?". Para que le puedas explicar a tu hijo cómo ha llegado a este mundo adaptándolo a su nivel de comprensión y curiosidad. Cuentos en los que ellos son los protagonistas de la historia. 

Maxime will ein Geschwister

Maxime will ein Geschwister 
by Cai Schmitz-Weicht 
illus. by Ka Schmitz 
Language: German 
Atelier 9¾, 2015. 
22 p. : col. ill. ; 13 x 13 cm. 
Summary: Wo kommen Babys her und was braucht man dazu? Und wie kommt ein Frauenpaar zum Kind? Diese Fragen interessieren nicht nur Kinder aus Regenbogenfamilien. Auch ihre Cousins und Cousinen wollen das wissen, ebenso wie die Kinder und Erzieher*innen aus der Krabbelgruppe. Maxime will ein Geschwister erzählt die Geschichte in einfachen Worten und vermittelt eine unkomplizierte Sicht auf die Dinge, die von Zwei- bis Dreijährigen gut verstanden wird. 

The amazing true story of how babies are made

The amazing true story of how babies are made 
by Fiona Katauskas 
Language: English 
Sydney South, N.S.W. HarperCollins Publishers, 2015. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; 251 x 251 mm I
SBN: 9780733333880 ; 0733333885 
Summary: The NEW Australian go-to book for parents wanting help with that talk ...For the last forty years, Peter Mayle's Where Did I Come From? has been the go-to book for parents seeking help with the birds and the bees talk. In 2015, Australian cartoonist Fiona Katauskas will publish a thoroughly modern book on this timeless subject. The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made is Fiona's brilliant response to finding herself reading the same sex-ed book to her son as her mother had read to her. That book is, of course, Peter Mayle's 1973 bestseller, a classic picture book that has helped millions of parents and teachers around the world navigate those tricky questions about how babies are made. Fiona's book captures all the elements that made Where Did I Come From? such a success: it's funny, it's warm, it's straightforward and it's the perfect helping hand for carers. But things have changed since the seventies, and Fiona's book is exactly what modern parents have been waiting for! Ages: 4+ 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

God's magical dust

God's magical dust 
written and illus. by Karolina Dembinska-Lemus 
Languages: English and Spanish 
Blurb, 2015. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
Summary: A bilingual children's book describing God's role in third party reproduction. First half is the English version; second half is the Spanish version. Includes relevant Bible quotes. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Wanted: A Journey to Surrogacy / Un viaje hacia la subrogación

Wanted: A Journey to Surrogacy / Un viaje hacia la subrogación 
by Carolina Robbiano 
illus. by Francesca Massai
Language: Spanish and English 
Archway Publishing, 2015. 
42 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1480817546 ; 9781480817548 
Summary: Two parents are doing everything they can to have a child. While they embark on a whimsical journey to build on their family, they dream about their baby, learn that love has no boundaries, and make the amazing discovery: there are many ways to have a baby. As they learn to see with new eyes, they begin the biggest adventure of their lives into the world of surrogacy –where they must rely on perseverance, courage, and hope to rise above the challenges. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015


by Matthew Cordell 
Language: English 
New York : Disney Hyperion Books, [2015]. 
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 22 x 23 cm.
ISBN: 9781484708750 ; 148470875X 
Summary: When an elephant couple decides it is time to have a child, unexpected challenges arise but, at last, the pair's deepest wish comes true. 

Karla ønsker sig en far

Karla ønsker sig en far
by Pia Olsen and Karla Elena Olsen
illus. by Ina Kornelliussen
Language: Danish
Pia Olsen, 2015.
p. cm.

El viaje al árbol de la vida

The journey to the tree of life
by Eduardo Leonelli
illus. by Sara Hernandez
Language: Spanish
Subrogalia Foundation, 2015.
p. cm.
ISBN: 9781326026950
Summary: Mom and Dad are two bunnies who want to distraction. After marrying, they realize that they can not have babies. That's why embark on a journey full of adventures to get their dearest wish: to be parents. Mom and Dad fight against fate by what nature has denied, embarking on an adventure that will take them to discover new worlds and even fairies and kings ... should seek help from your friend the cat and a magic spell ... get his cherished dream ?.

Monday, May 11, 2015

¿Cómo llegué a este mundo? Libro para chicos que llegaron por subrogación

¿Cómo llegué a este mundo? Libro para chicos que llegaron por subrogación
Written and Illustrated by Darío Fernández 
Language: Spanish 
Argentina: Molinos de Viento, 2013. 
16 p. : col. ill. ; 15 x 15 cm. 
ISBN: 9789874511102 
My annotation: Narrated by an infant, this is the story of how the infant's two dads met, fell in love, and decided that children would complete their happiness. Knowing they had the sperm but would need an egg and a womb, they sought help from a clinic where they procured the egg. Then they knew a kind woman who would accept the embryo and loan them her womb in order for the embryo to turn into a baby. As the infant says, she spent the entire nine months feeling the love of her parents and knowing they were waiting for her. This book takes a family-building approach as well as a child-conception approach and employs the nuts and bolts script.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mis mamás y yo

Mis mamás y yo : libro de recuerdos de bebé 
by Mundo Avolar 
Language: Spanish 
Valencia: Bostezo, 2014. 
48 p. : Col. ill. ; 24 x 27 cm. 
ISBN: 9788494192623 
Summary: My mom and I and my mom and I are two pioneering publications for babies of families formed by women who, alone or as a couple, decide to have offspring. Two picture books where mothers may develop, with photographs and notes, the biographical journey of the first year of life of the newborn. They are the first of its kind to be published in Spain and Castilian. Arise that will fill a gap in such publications; both its graphic content and texts reflect their families to whom they are addressed. The diary of your baby. The treasure with stories, feats and anecdotes from their first year of life saved. A lasting memory of the great adventure that now Iniciais. 

Mi mamá y yo : libros de recuerdos de bebé

Mi mamá y yo : libro de recuerdos de bebé 
by Mundo Avolar 
Language: Spanish 
Valencia : Bostezo, 2015. 
48 p. : col. ill. ; 24 x 27 cm. 
ISBN: 9788494192616 
Summary: My mom and I and my mom and I are two pioneering publications for babies of families formed by women who, alone or as a couple, decide to have offspring. Two picture books where mothers may develop, with photographs and notes, the biographical journey of the first year of life of the newborn. They are the first of its kind to be published in Spain and Castilian. Arise that will fill a gap in such publications; both its graphic content and texts reflect their families to whom they are addressed. 

Noortje, over boomstammen en stambomen

Noortje, over boomstammen en stambomen
by Simone Scholtens 
illus. by Allen Beers
Language: Dutch 
ISBN: 9789492185013 
Article about the book:

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Your story IVF

Your story IVF 
by Kylie and Mathew Hill 
illus. by Mathew Hill 
Language: English 
Balboa Press, 2015. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 9781504331340 ; 9781054331357
Summary: A children's book that explains the standard IVF* process to assist baby making.
Kickstarter campaign:

Friday, April 10, 2015

Mor og Kærlighedsbarnet - En solomor-barn familie bliver til

Mor og Kærlighedsbarnet - En solomor-barn familie bliver til 
by Signe Fjord 
illus. by Mikkel Brandt Møller 
Language: Danish 
Inspire & Empower Publishing Ltd., 2014. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mama und das Wunschkind : Die Entstehung einer Solomama-Kind-Familie

Mama und das Wunschkind : Die Entstehung einer Solomama-Kind-Familie 
by Signe Fjord 
illustrated by Mikkel Brandt Møller 
Language: German 
Forlaget Inspire, 2015. 
ISBN: 9788792584755 
e-book available at:

Saturday, April 4, 2015

FamIlle, je Vous aime : un livre sur la procréation médicale assistée, destiné aux jeunes enfants

FamIlle, je Vous aime : un livre sur la procréation médicale assistée, destiné aux jeunes enfants 
by Tammy Troute-Wood 
illus. by Brent Patrick Gough 
CreateSpace, 2011. 
44 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 0986810711 ; 9780986810718 
Summary: Des millions d'enfants, à travers le monde, sont nés grâce à la procréation médicale assistée. Les experts recommandent de révéler l'histoire de leur conception aux enfants en l'adaptant à leur âge et à leur développement intellectuel. (Canadian Fertlity and Andrology Society, American Infertility Association, Donor Conception Network). FamIlle, je Vous aime est un outil méticuleusement conçu afin d' aider les familles à parler avec leurs jeunes enfants de la procréation assistée (incluant la FIV, le don d'œuf et de sperme et les mères porteuses). FamIlle, je Vous aime: Ce livre offre une histoire sur la procréation médicale assistée aux jeunes enfants entre 3 et 5 ans. Il projette de multiples et diverses images de la procréation assistée en utilisant un langage à la fois respectueux et précis de l'anatomie. Le livre offre de l'information aux parents sur la façon de préparer une discussion et de répondre aux questions. Les coloriages fournissent l'occasion d'engager une conversation sur les valeurs telles que l'amour, l'espoir et la famille. Un lexique permet d'utiliser d'autres mots pour ceux qui préfèrent un langage simple à la terminologie médicale. Enfin, le puzzle permet à toutes les familles de reconstituer et de célébrer leur propre histoire familiale. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

El safari de Zak

El safari de Zak 
by Christy Tyner 
illus. by Ciaee 
Language: Spanish 
CreateSpace, 2015. 
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1508652562 ; 9781508652564 
Summary: El libro El safari de Zak trata la concepción de hijos de familias homoparentales llevada a cabo mediante donante. Cuando los planes de Zak de ir de safari se ven arruinados por la lluvia, este decide darle al lector un recorrido guiado muy especial: el de su propia familia. Zak nos muestra cómo sus dos mamás se conocieron, se enamoraron y desearon más que nada en el mundo tener un bebé juntas. Así que decidieron hacer uno. En la primera mitad del libro, Zak nos cuenta sobre sus orígenes biológicos. Con un lenguaje simple pero preciso, Zak nos da información acerca de los óvulos y los espermatozoides, los donantes conocidos, los donantes anónimos de los bancos de esperma y la información genética que dicta quiénes somos. El entusiasmo de Zak, aunado a su curiosidad científica y a la gratitud que siente por los “genes maravillosos” que le tocaron, lo convierte en el guía perfecto para esta historia contemporánea sobre la concepción. La segunda parte del libro celebra la vida familiar. Las hermosas ilustraciones nos muestran las aventuras cotidianas de Zak y sus dos mamás: una comida familiar, un día de playa, una excursión o una convivencia con sus familiares y amigos. El safari de Zak pretende ser un punto de partida para muchas de las conversaciones que tendrás con tus hijos sobre cómo fueron concebidos y sobre su donante. El estilo del libro es honesto, informativo, relajado y fácil de comprender. Está pensado para niños de 4 a 8 años. ¿Quieres leerlo completo antes de comprarlo? La autora cree que tienes ese derecho. Lee el libro de manera gratuita en 

Le safari de Zak

Le safari de Zak 
by Christy Tyner 
illus. by Ciaee 
Language: French 
CreateSpace, 2015. 
36 p. : cil. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1507872860 ; 9781507872864 
Summary: Le safari de Zak est le récit d’un d’enfant conçu par un donneur dans une famille de deux mamans. Quand la pluie contrecarre le projet d’aventure en safari de Zak, celui-ci invite les lecteurs et lectrices à une visite très particulière de sa famille. Zak raconte comment ses parents se sont rencontrées et sont devenues amoureuses. Elles voulaient plus que tout avoir un enfant et ont décidé d’en concevoir un. Dans la première moitié du livre, Zak explique ses origines biologiques. Dans un langage simple, mais précis, il explique ce que sont les ovules et le sperme, ainsi que les donneurs connus et ceux qui proviennent d’une banque de sperme. Il explique également ce que sont les gènes, ces instructions qui nous rendent uniques. L’enthousiasme de Zak de même que sa curiosité scientifique et sa reconnaissance envers les « gènes extraordinaires » dont il a hérité en font un guide touristique tout désigné pour ce récit contemporain de la conception. La deuxième partie du livre célèbre la famille. Les magnifiques illustrations montrent Zak et ses deux mamans dans leur vie quotidienne, prenant des repas ensemble, jouant sur la plage, se baladant dans la nature et passant du temps avec des amis et la famille. Le safari de Zak cherche à fournir un point de départ pour des conversations avec vos enfants à propos de l’histoire de leur conception et leur donneur. Le safari de Zak est rédigé dans un style authentique, informatif, désinvolte et facile à comprendre. Il s’adresse plus particulièrement aux enfants de 4 à 8 ans. Souhaitez-vous lire le livre en entier avant de l’acheter? L’auteure croit que vous devriez pouvoir le faire! Lisez gratuitement le livre à 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Pea That Was Me: An IVF Story

The Pea That Was Me: An IVF Story 
written and illus. by Kimberly Kluger-Bell 
Language: English 
CreateSpace, 2014. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1503041425 ; 9781503041424 
Summary: "Reading this charming storybook to your preschooler is a wonderful way to introduce them to the fact that you wanted them very much but had trouble having them. Fortunately, a "very good doctor" helped mommy and daddy fulfill their dreams. The very basic fact that it takes an egg and a sperm to make a baby is introduced, making it a perfect platform for discussing In Vitro Fertilization with your child later on--when they become more aware of "how babies are made."" 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Deseos, hadas, magos y semillas: cuentos para comunicar los orígenes en familias que han acudido a la donación reproductiva

Deseos, hada, magos y semillas: Cuentos para comunicar los orígenes en familias que han acudido a la donación reproductiva
compiled by David Poveda, María Isabel Jociles y Javier González-Patño 
Language: Spanish 
Departamento de Antropología Social of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, (España), 2015.
Available for free:

Sunday, March 22, 2015

All our wishes: Daddy and Papa have a child

All our wishes: Daddy and Papa have a child
written and illustrated by Charles Danziger
Language: English
Available online:
Article about the book here:

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Families come in many forms

Families come in many forms
by Bella Mei Wong
illus. by Yoko Matsuoka
Language: English
Euclid Press, 2015.
Summary: Alex goes on a journey to find the perfect pet. He visits his friends and plays with a singing pig, a curious panda, and many other wonderful animals – depicted throughout by rhythmic text and charming illustrations. Along the way Alex meets his friends’ families – traditional, adopted, divorced, blended, IVF, same sex and others. These family forms are not presented as “different”, but are treated as a normal part of today’s world. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

United by love : a happy adopted child

United by love : a happy adopted child 
written and illus. by Victoria Rikede 
Language: English 
Trafford, 2014. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9781490738949 
Summary: This is dedicated to all the families that have either adopted their children/child or have children through surrogate mothers. The book is meant to be a guideline to the parents when they are informing their children on how they were conceived. It’s also meant as an awakening in the societies to get rid of the prejudices on adoption and surrogacy. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Tell Your Story, Tell A Dream Birthday Cake: Princeliscious Reinvention

Tell Your Story, Tell A Dream Birthday Cake: Princeliscious Reinvention 
written and illus. by Angela Bermudez 
Language: English 
CreateSpace, 2014. 
26 p. : coll. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1502907585 ; 9781502907585 
Summary: The protagonists are an adopted princess from Sierra Leone, a princess who is a daughter of a single mother by choice, a princess whose lesbian mothers come from Iran and Mexico, and a transgender prince. Angela Bermudez, a 6 year old Latina New Yorker, self-published a radically different book to help other children like her see themselves in children's books. With her mom's help, Angela wrote this book, mostly during cross town bus and subway rides to and from school or to theater rehearsals. Angela combined phonetically complicated names, true and imaginary facts, with stories from her own life. She also borrowed stories from close friends and chosen family, who are mostly people of color, LGBT and undocumented immigrants living in New York City. Angela also drew all the illustrations in the book. 
Library of Congress Subject Headings: 
  • Immigration -- Juvenile fiction
  • Gender identity -- Juvenile fiction
  • Transgenderism -- Juvenile fiction

    Sunday, February 8, 2015

    21st Century guide to the birds and the bees

    21st Century guide to the birds and the bees
    written by Belinda Messer and Rosie Luik 
    illus. by Jessica Smith 
    Summary: This book was carefully written to be suitable for all families to read with their children. We covered natural conception, IVF, surrogacy and donor's, fulfilling the space in the 'how a baby is made' book market and going that step further into the 21st century of how babies are conceived. Through beautiful illustrations and engaging content your children will be entrusted with the knowledge of how all the different types of conception occur. They will have a basic understanding of pregnancy and the birth of a baby. There are no surprising words and it is definitely not a 'too much information' book. We aim this book at children aged 7 and upwards. Or whenever your child is ready to start the conversation. 

    Saturday, January 24, 2015

    My Little Dish: The Story of Your Creation Through In Vitro Fertilization

    My Little Dish: The Story of Your Creation Through In Vitro Fertilization 
    by Sari Dennis 
    illus. by Linda Giacomazzo 
    Language: English 
    unpaged : col. ill. ; cm. 
    CreateSpace, 2014. 
    ISBN: 1502320479 ; 9781502320476 
    Summary: For every parent who has experienced that emotional roller coaster called infertility, this book has been written to provide you with a point at which you may begin to discuss your child's conception. Each of us has had a very different experience, very personal in nature from one another. With this is mind, the book has been authored in a generic fashion. This is a gentle yet descriptive starting point to have a conversation with your child, and to let them know about their conception. As your children grow older, you may want to provide more details and take them deeper into your experiences and the experience of infertility. You will also find special pages set aside for each parent. I encourage you to record your own thoughts and circumstances here, to specify them for your child so that they can relate to this information on a personal level. 

    The Dancing Fish and the Clever Crab

    The Dancing Fish and the Clever Crab 
    by Ms. Reen 
    illus. by 
    Language: English 
    27 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
    CreateSpace, 2015. 
    ISBN: 0692245367 ; 9780692245361 
    Summary: This book was written as an aid to parents who conceived a child via the use of donor egg or sperm. The target age group is between 2 and 10 years old. The decision whether to disclose the child's genetic origin's to him or her is an important one for parents. For those who choose to disclose, 'The Dancing Fish and the Clever Crab' makes it possible to approach this sensitive topic in an easy to understand way for young children, helping them to positively incorporate this aspect of their identity from an early age. The book was written by a Licensed Professional Counselor, specialized in the field of infertility. 

    Daddy's special gift

    Daddy's special gift 
    by Tracey Sainsbury 
    Language: English 
    London Women's Clinic, 2012. 
    Summary: Part of a series of books for egg sharers, egg donors, and sperm donors to share knowledge of their donation, a very special gift, with their own children. 
    Available online:

    Sunday, January 18, 2015

    Ebbe och ägget

    Ebbe och ägget
    by Petra Nilsson
    illus. by Linn Gustafsson
    Language: Swedish
    Vombat Förlag, 2014
    29 p. : col. ill. ; 22 x 25 cm.
    ISBN: 9789186589424
    Summary: Ebbe is four years old. He wants a snake. Mommy wants a baby. She has told Ebbe how both babies and snakes are made. Mommy has received babyseed from a donor. Could it be that a snake-egg donor has left a snake egg for Ebbe? The book explores what a donor is and how sperm (babyseed) and eggs are donated so that there can be families.
    Summary: Ebbe är fyra år. Han vill ha en orm. Mamma vill ha en bebis. Hon har berättat hur både bebisar och ormar blir till. Mamma har fått bebisfrön av en donator. Kan det vara så att det är en orm-äggdonator som har lämnat ett ormägg till Ebbe? Boken utforskar vad en donator är för något och hur det går till när spermier (bebisfrön) och ägg doneras så att det ska kunna bli familjer.