Sunday, September 15, 2019

Our miraculous story : an illustrated book for children who came into the world thanks to assisted reproduction

Our miraculous story: an illustrated book for children who came into the world thanks to assisted reproduction 
by Denisa Hledíková; Daniel Branigan Lee 
illus. by Linh Dao 
Language: English 
Prague: Family Trees Publishing, 2019. 
38 stran : barevné ilustrace, portréty ; 22 x 26 cm. 
ISBN: 9788027056132; 8027056136 
Summary: The time will come when parents will have to move from thinking to explanation. There are not many children born with assisted reproduction, and these children will one day be interested in answering the question "How did I come into the world?". And just in search of answers to these inquisitive questions, the book Our Miraculous Story may be the right helper to show children their unique way in which they were born in a clear and sensitive way. 

Karla har en strømpetyv i familien

Karla har en strømpetyv i familien 
by Pia Olsen; Karla Elena Olsen 
Language: Danish 
[Kbh.] : Spræl ; [Køge] : [Eksp. DBK], 2017. 
52 sider : illustrations i farver. 
ISBN: 9788799969609; 8799969602 

¿De dónde vengo?

¿De dónde vengo? 
by Cristina Pascual 
illus. by Aitor I. Eraña 
Language: Spanish 
Madrid: Diabolín 2016. 
[24] p. il. col. 20 x 20 cm. 
ISBN: 9788416217854 8416217858

Logeren in een buik

Logeren in een buik 
by Wilma Degeling 
illus. by Helen van Vliet 
Language: Dutch 
Boxmeer : Uitgeverij Menuet, [2019]. 
28 ongenummerde pagina's : gekleurde illustraties ; 30 cm. 
ISBN: 9789491707186; 9491707183 
Summary: Jonas vindt het leuk dat Noortje komt logeren. Zelf ging hij immers ook al logeren, toen hij nog niet geboren was! Afgewisseld met het verhaal over de geboorte van Jonas via draagmoederschap. Prentenboek met twee verhalen (om en om) en illustraties in twee verschillende kleurschakeringen en korte informatie. Vanaf ca. 4 t/m 8 jaar. 

My mom's super power

My mom's super power 
by Alicia Allen 
illus. by Lovyaa Garg 
Language: English 
Blurb, 2017. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9781389376832; 9781389376849
Summary: A little boy tells you all about his mom and her superpower. She is a single mother by choice with the help of a donor. 

Blev du til ved et knald?

Blev du til ved et knald? 
by Trine Bundsgaard 
illus. Zarah Juul 
Language: Danish 
[Kbh.] : Carlsen, 2015. 
1. oplag, 2015, tr. i udl. 
ISBN: 9788711331095; 8711331097 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Mama + Mamusch : "Ich bin ein Herzenswunsch-Kind"

Mama + Mamusch : "Ich bin ein Herzenswunsch-Kind" 
by Helene Düperthal 
ill. by Lisa Hänsch 
Language: German 
Lennestadt : Lebensweichen-Verlag, 2016. 
52 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 16 x 22 cm, 279 g. 
ISBN: 9783945262214; 3945262216 
Summary: Ana erlebt ihren ersten Schultag. Als erste Hausaufgabe sollen alle ein Bild ihrer Familie malen. Sie ahnt schon die Fragen, die kommen werden. Ana kennt das schon aus dem Kindergarten. Während die Erwachsenen oft nur eigenartig schauen, fragen die Kinder einfach. Warum hat Ana zwei Mütter? "Welche ist denn echt?" will Tim zum Beispiel wissen, denn er meint "das geht doch nicht". Doch Ana hat eine Antwort für ihn, die ihn staunen lässt ... Eine Geschichte, die von Regenbogen-Kindern, Regenbogen-Partnerschaften und von Wunderwunsch-Kindern/Wunderwunsch-Eltern erzählt. Vor allem aber auch eine, in der es um das Glück geht, als ein Herzenswunsch-Kind geboren worden zu sein und aufwachsen zu dürfen. 

Das allergrößte Geschenk

Das allergrößte Geschenk 
by Sarah Morandini 
Language: German 
Bucher Verlag GmbH, 2018. 
32 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 3990184636; 9783990184639 
Summary: Viele Menschen haben als Kinder die Vorstellung, dass sie als Erwachsene eine Familie gründen werden. Nicht alle haben dann tatsächlich eine eigene Familie, wenn sie erwachsen sind. Manche Menschen sind auch ohne Kinder glücklich und manche bekommen keine Kinder, was sie nach einiger Zeit in Ordnung finden. Aber dieses Buch erzählt die Geschichte einer Frau und eines Mannes, die unbedingt ein Kind haben wollten. Ein glückliches Leben ohne ein eigenes Kind konnten sie sich überhaupt nicht vorstellen. Diese Menschen nun sind Mama und Papa. 

La cicogna Fivetta

La cicogna Fivetta 
by Silvia Mangone 
illus. by Simona Peres 
Language: Italian 
Dunp Edizioni, 2018. 
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 8894236838; 9788894236835 
Summary: Una favola illustrata sulla nascita, per i bambini nati grazie alla fecondazione assistita e per i loro genitori. Uno strumento per i moderni genitori, sempre di più, che riescono ad avere un figlio grazie alla fecondazione assistita e che affrontano nuove difficoltà anche quando l'obiettivo è raggiunto. Il libro nasce per aiutare i genitori diventati tali grazie alla scienza a raccontare a questi bimbi tanto attesi il miracolo della loro nascita grazie alla cicogna provetta e per dirgli quanto amore e quanta tenacia ci hanno messo mamma e papà per raggiungerli. 

CCP : cicogne cavoli provette

CCP : cicogne cavoli provette 
by Brunella Baldi 
Language: Italian 
Pian di Scò (AR) : Prìncipi & Princípi, 2011. 
[14] c. : ill. ; 28 cm. 
ISBN: 9788896827314; 8896827310 

Storia di cristallo di neve - - - non di cavoli, né di cicogne

Storia di cristallo di neve - - - non di cavoli, né di cicogne 
by Francesca Fiorentino 
illus. by Erica Lucchi 
Language: Italian 
Milano : Valentina, 2015. 
[32] str. : ilustr. ; 18 x 24 cm. 
ISBN: 9788897870623; 8897870627 
Summary: "Mamma. Raccontami come sono nato!" una storia di magia e tenacia per tutti quelli che credono ancora nell'amore oltre ogni ostacolo. Età di lettura: da 4 anni. 

Ogni favola è un sogno

Ogni favola è un sogno 
written and illustrated by Eleonora D'Amico
Language: Italian 
[Italy]:, 2018. 
88 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 8893720493; 9788893720496 

Baby Maker: Emy, una bambina venuta con lo Shuttle

Baby Maker: Emy, una bambina venuta con lo Shuttle 
written and illustrated by Katia Rossi 
Language: Italian 
Independently published, 2019. 
75 p. : col. ill. cm. 
ISBN: 179510760X; 9781795107600 

Le cicogne non si perdono

Le cicogne non si perdono 
by Biba 
illus. by Irene Montano 
Language: Italian 
[Italy]: Leima Edizione, 2019. 
30 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 8898395892; 9788898395897 

Mi familia

Mi familia 
by Noemí Fernández Selva; Cristina Losantos; Dexeus Mujer 
Language: Spanish 
[Barcelona] Destino, [2018] ©2018. 
61 páginas ilustraciones (color) 20 cm. 
ISBN: 9788408183242; 8408183249 

¿Cómo es posible que tengan dos mamás?

¿Cómo es posible que tengan dos mamás? 
written and illustrated by Paula López Navarro 
Language: Spanish 
Independently published, 2017. 
26 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1549785265; 9781549785269 
Summary: Este cuento esta basado en las experiencias reales vividas en el seno de una familia homoparental y pretende contarle a los niños de forma clara y sin tapujos que existen otros tipos de familia a las que se debe respetar ante todo; además de darle una herramienta a todos aquellos niños que están creciendo actualmente formando parte de dichas familias. Cada parte del cuento está ligado estrechamente con la realidad que estamos viviendo como familia, orientándolo al aprendizaje que conlleva encontrarse con las diferentes vivencias siempre por supuesto enriquecedoras, y de las que como veréis aprendemos muchísimo. Nela y Tina las protagonistas de nuestro cuento están dispuestas a explicarles al mundo por qué somo tan felices y lo natural que ellas viven su procedencia. Además se encuentran orgullosas de sus valores y comprenden perfectamente que haya personas que no entiendan como se puede vivir así. Ambas han colaborado con esmero en la edición de este libro, dibujando como a ellas les gusta... De muchos colores y que conste que nunca les hemos hablado de los colores de la bandera, simplemente ellas los han intuido :) 


by Veracruz Manzano 
illus. by Sergio Montal 
Language: Spanish 
Sevilla Babidi-Bú, [2019] ©2019. 
32 páginas sin numerar ilustraciones (color) 24 cm. 
ISBN: 9788417448998; 8417448993 

El laboratorio de Candela

El laboratorio de Candela 
by Ana Matías 
illus. by Mikel Montero 
Language: Spanish 
[Roquetas de Mar] Círculo Rojo Editorial, [2018]. 
43 páginas ilustraciones (color) 24 cm. 
ISBN: 9788413048772; 841304877X 

En attendant Timoun

En attendant Timoun 
by Geneviève Casterman 
Language: French 
[Bruxelles] : Pastel : Paris : L'Ecole des loisirs, 2010. 
1 vol. (non paginé) : ill. 
ISBN: 9782211054508; 2211054501 

Mais ... comment naissent les parents?

Mais ... comment naissent les parents? 
by Jean Regnaud 
illus. by Aude Picault 
Language: French 
Paris : Magnard jeunesse, [2014]. 
26 pages non numérotées : illustrations en couleur ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 9782210960275; 2210960274 
Summary: Un petit garçon voudrait savoir comment on fait les parents... Mais les siens sont très occupés, et il préfère aller trouver ses copains pour leur poser la question. Et tous les copains se mettent à raconter leur histoire. Au bout du compte, le petit garçon avait une question, et repart avec plein de réponses, tant et si bien que lorsque son père lui propose de raconter comment naissent les bébés, le petit garçon répond : « Laisse-moi d'abord te raconter comment naissent les parents! »

9 Mois, 1 Bébé : La Grossesse

9 Mois, 1 Bébé : La Grossesse 
by Françoise Chebret 
illus. by Sébastien Laurent 
Language: French 
[France]: Eddurico, 2018. 
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9782352631842; 235263184X 
Summary:"Comment fait-on les bébés ?" Ce livre y répond et explique aussi comment au fur et à mesure, le fœtus grandit dans le ventre de la maman.Et si ce sont des jumeaux ? Et si le bébé nait trot tôt ?Qu'est ce qu'une césarienne ?... Aucune question n'est laissée de côté. 

Am stram graine

Am stram graine 
by Anne-Catherine Le Roux 
illus. by Jules
Language: French 
Paris : Le Pommier, 2019. 
37 p. : ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 9782746517882 2746517884 
Summary: Quand la maîtresse annonce qu'elle a un bébé dans le ventre, cela suscite bien des questionnements : D'où vient la graine dont elle parle et qui a permis au bébé de s'installer ? A la récré les hypothèses vont bon train, mais l'histoire de Nina, différente de celle des autres va épater tout le monde. Un album doux et affectif qui permettra aux enfants de 3 à 5 ans, nés de dons de gamètes de comprendre leur histoire, mais aussi à leurs parents, avec des mots simples, de leur expliquer leur conception. 

Moi, je sais vraiment comment on fait les bébés !

Moi, je sais vraiment comment on fait les bébés! 
by Pierre Combarnous; Maria-Paz Matthey 
Language: French 
Nantes: Gulf Stream, 2019. 
1 vol. (56 p.) : illustrations en couleur ; 17 x 24 cm. 
ISBN: 9782354886790; 2354886799 

Un bébé pour tata

Un bébé pour tata 
by Anne-Laure Charlery 
Language: French 
Lyon : Éditions Rêve d'enfant, DL 2018. 
1 vol. (27 p.) : ill. en coul. ; 15 x 20 cm. 
ISBN: 9782372480536; 2372480537 

Saturday, September 7, 2019


by Jason Pinter 
illus. by Cheryl Crouthamel
Language: English 
Armina Press, 2018. 
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1947993399; 9781947993396 
Summary: An inspiring, funny, and heartwarming story for everyone who has dreamed of having their own Miracle. When rabbits Merle and Pearl meet on one beautiful day, they know that they have found true joy. Yet while they couldn't be happier with each other, there's one teeny, tiny thing missing...a child of their own. Merle and Pearl dream of expanding their nest by bringing a baby bunny into the world, but they face unforeseen challenges along the way. Determined to make their dreams come true, Merle and Pearl will do whatever it takes--even if it means going deep under the sea, trekking across vast desert sands, or rocketing far out into the stars. Because sometimes finding your dreams takes a miracle. 

Snowflake Baby

Snowflake Baby 
by by Chris & Kari Stewart 
illus. by Arian Armstrong 
Language: English 
CreateSpace, 2018. 
44 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1984182692; 9781984182692 
Summary: A true story about a Snowflake Baby, told in allegory and poetry. 

Your Family: A Donor Kid's Story

Your Family: A Donor Kid's Story
by Wendy Kramer 
illus. by Jen Moore 
Language: English 
Donor Sibling Registry, 2018. 
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 0692106936; 9790692106937 
Summary: The book starts with the parent's desire to have a baby, the use of a donor, and then broaches the topic of half-siblings and biological parents/donors. A perfect book for (the millions of) donor-conceived children to learn about how they were conceived and for understanding that being curious about their unknown genetic origins and relatives is natural. These early conversations are integral to creating a happy and healthy donor child and family. 

Henrietta and the Donor Eggs

Henrietta and the Donor Eggs 
by S. G. Lee 
Language: English 
Shillelagh Books, 2018. 
106 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1987977254; 9781987977257 
Summary: Henrietta has always wanted to be a mother. She’s mothered other hen’s chicks but she’s never been able to have her own. When Henrietta is ready to give up another hen offers her eggs to Henrietta, so Henrietta too can be a mom. Henrietta sits on the eggs and hopes that her dream and her rooster Robert's will come true and that finally, they'll have their own family. 

The Umbilical Family: Start a Loving Conversation about Adoption, Egg Donation, Step-parenting, Same Sex Families

The Umbilical Family: Start a Loving Conversation about Adoption, Egg Donation, Step-parenting, Same-Sex Families 
by Cate Sawyer 
 illus. by Adriana Avellis
Language: English 
Hawkeye Publishing, 2018. 
28 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 0987190970; 9780987190970 
Summary: Start a loving conversation about adoption, egg & embryo donation, step-parents, same-sex couples, fostering, single parents, traditional couples, and grandparents. Together with your child explore the wonderful diversity and origin of family and love. 

Happy Together: an egg donation story

Happy Together: an egg donation story 
by Julie Marie 
illus. by Ashley Lucas 
Language: English 
CreateSpace, 2018. 
30 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1985661853; 9781985661851 
Summary: Happy Together is a heartwarming book to help introduce the concept of egg donation to a young child. A story told through clear language and cheerful illustrations, readers will join Mommy and Daddy bear on the journey to fulfill their greatest wish of becoming parents. With help from a doctor, an egg from a special lady called a donor and Daddy’s seed, a baby grew in Mommy’s tummy and was welcomed with great joy. Happy Together will comfort children with the assurance of being very much wanted and loved! 

The Story of Mia Rose

The Story of Mia Rose 
by Andrea Isla
illus. by Jennifer Mabutas 
Language: English 
CreateSpace, 2018. 
26 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1721188150; 9781721188154 
Summary: This joyful rhyming book about a choice to be a single mother using a non-traditional method will delight readers with its fairytale theme. 

For You We Have Prayed

For You We Have Prayed 
by Abby Hostetler 
illus. by Katelyn Hagen 
Language: English 
CreateSpace, 2018. 
26 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1987760255; 9781987760255 
Summary: Having a baby isn't always easy. Sometimes it takes the fervent prayers of loved ones to carry you through the difficult journey of infertility. This book is an ode to the prayed for and wished for child--and all those special family members and friends who prayed and wished for them. “Before we ever met you, we prayed for you each day. We prayed that God would give us you to take our tears away. We prayed we'd be your parents - we'd get to watch you grow. We prayed and then we waited to be blessed with our rainbow. But then you did not come, and we felt our hearts would break. We asked our dearest loved ones if our burdens they would take. They all began to pray, for they wanted to meet you. They prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and up to heaven those prayers flew...” 

How Mama and Daddy Made a Baby: Trans Mum - IVF with a Surrogate

How Mama and Daddy Made a Baby: Trans Mum - IVF with a Surrogate 
written and illustrated by Emma Wallis 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2018. 
36 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1719912726; 9781719912723 
Summary: This is the story of how Mama and Daddy made a baby. It is aimed at lower primary school-age children. In this book, we introduce the idea of reproduction and how a man and a woman might have a baby together. In this edition of the book, we look at how Mama and Daddy go to a fertility clinic to make a baby using IVF. Mama is transgender so they need to use donor eggs and a Surrogate. This is a factual book which uses the correct language for body parts. It also mentions the idea of the difference between reproduction and sex for pleasure. 

How Mummy and Daddy Made a Baby: IVF

How Mummy and Daddy Made a Baby: IVF 
by Emma Wallis 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2018. 
34. p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1719821852; 9781719821858 
Summary: This is the story of how Mummy and Daddy made a baby. It is aimed at lower primary school-age children. In this book, we introduce the idea of reproduction and how a man and a woman might have a baby together. In this edition of the book, we look at how Mummy and Daddy go to a fertility clinic to make a baby using IVF. This is a factual book which uses the correct language for body parts. It also mentions the idea of the difference between reproduction and sex for pleasure. 

How Mummy and Daddy Made a Baby: Trans Dad

How Mummy and Daddy Made a Baby: Trans Dad 
by Emma Wallis 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2018. 
34 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1719910308; 9781719910309 
Summary: This is the story of how Mummy and Daddy made a baby. It is aimed at lower primary school-age children. In this book, we introduce the idea of reproduction and how a man and a woman might have a baby together. In this edition of the book, we look at how Mummy and Daddy go to a fertility clinic to make a baby using IVF. Daddy is transgender so they need to use donor sperm. This is a factual book which uses the correct language for body parts. It also mentions the idea of the difference between reproduction and sex for pleasure. 

Le mystère des billes d'or : album

Le mystère des billes d'or : album 
by Jules Asselin
illus. by Ninon Pelletier 
Language: French 
Ottawa, Ontario : Les Éditions L'Interligne, [2016] ©2016. 
p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 2896994645; 9782896994649 
Summary: Sur une planète lointaine, vit une colonie de robots, tout comme les humains abondent sur la Terre. Un couple de robots qui s’aiment tendrement décide de fonder une famille. Afin de fabriquer des bébés robots, le robot mâle doit transférer des billes d’or de sa boîte dans celle du robot femelle. Hélas ! Lorsqu’il ouvre sa boîte, il s’aperçoit qu’elle est vide… point de billes d’or ! Le couple éploré accepte avec joie les billes d’un robot donneur par l’entremise du docteur Poupon. Et maintenant, pour leur grand bonheur, quatre petits robots roulent allègrement autour d’eux dans la maison. Racontée avec subtilité et adresse, cette petite histoire didactique sur l’infertilité s’adresse aux enfants de quatre à six ans. 

Bun in the Oven: Special Delivery

Bun in the oven, special delivery 
by Jennifer Raney 
illus. by Susan Myking-Wood 
Language: English 
[United States] : Paper Plane Press, 2017. ©2017. 
16 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. 
ISBN: 9780692816158; 0692816151 
Summary: Bun in the Oven: Special Delivery shares the unique story of how a young boy named Tommy came to be born. Using baking as a metaphor, Tommy's mother describes the process of egg donation in a fun and roundabout way when he requests a sibling out of the blue. This short children's book also briefly mentions other nontraditional means of family building such as surrogacy and adoption as Tommy begins to comprehend and appreciate how special all babies truly are. Jennifer Raney is a happily married Florida resident and graduate of UNLV. After a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure at the age of eighteen, Jennifer was devastated at the thought of never having a family of her own. Years of testing and medication therapy ensued before the final decision was made in 2015 to use an egg donor to conceive. The IVF process was a long and emotional struggle, and as she celebrated the news of a positive pregnancy test, Jennifer also questioned how she would explain this nontraditional conception to her future son. The search began for children's books she could use to begin this difficult conversation, but she could not seem to find the right one. A passion for helping others on this journey was born, and Jennifer used her love of baking as inspiration for this short metaphorical story. It is her hope that families choosing IVF, surrogacy, adoption, or any unconventional means of family building will be able to benefit from this useful tool as well. 

Un posto per me = A place for me

Un posto per me = A place for me 
by Chiara Mezzalama 
illus. by Aline Cantono 
Language: Italian 
[S.l.] : Edizioni estemporanee, 2013. 
1 v. : in gran parte ill. ; 31 cm. 
ISBN: 9788889508435; 8889508434 

¿Cómo llegó Julia a la barriga de mamá?

¿Cómo llegó Julia a la barriga de mamá? 
by Eva M. Deiros 
illus. by Elisabeth Grau Homs 
Language: Spanish 
Independently published, 2018. 
33 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 171819451X ; 9781718194519 
Summary: Tania y Raúl soñaban con ser papás pero la búsqueda de un bebé no les resulta tan fácil como a los demás. Es por eso que Julia llega a la barriga de su mamá de una forma especial. Este cuento infantil narra e ilustra la historia de una pareja infértil que sueña, busca, lucha y consigue. Se trata de una historia sencilla, explicada desde el corazón, que intenta transmitir la lucha que supone para una pareja infértil cumplir el sueño de ser padres. "¿Cómo llegó Julia a la barriga de mamá?" puede servir de apoyo a esos valientes papás que quieran explicar a sus hijos, nacidos gracias a una Fecundación In Vitro, cómo fueron concebidos. 

I became your mama

I became your mama 
by Mollie Huyck 
illus. by Emilie Fleury 
Language: English 
[Place of publication not identified] : Inkwater Press, 2018. 
18 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. 
ISBN: 9781629015811; 1629015814 
Summary: There are many roads to motherhood, and many ways for a child to be born. Whether your journey involved IVF, FET, embryo donation, embryo adoption, adoption, gestational surrogacy, or traditional pregnancy, you are part of the miracle of life. Mollie Huyck's I Became Your Mama--meant to be read aloud by mothers to their children--is a joyous celebration of that miracle, in all its forms. 

How Mummy and Daddy Made a Baby: Donor IVF

How Mummy and Daddy Made a Baby: Donor IVF
written and illustrated by Emma Wallis
Language: English
Independently published, 2018.
38 p. : col. ill. ; cm.
ISBN: 1720030340; 9781720030348
Summary: This is the story of how Mummy and Daddy made a baby. It is aimed at lower primary school-age children. In this book, we introduce the idea of reproduction and how a man and a woman might have a baby together. In this edition of the book, we look at how Mummy and Daddy go to a fertility clinic to make a baby using IVF. It introduces the idea of donor eggs and donor sperm. This is a factual book which uses the correct language for body parts. It also mentions the idea of the difference between reproduction and sex for pleasure.

How Mummy and Daddy Made a Baby: Donor IVF with a Surrogate

How Mummy and Daddy Made a Baby: Donor IVF with a Surrogate 
by Emma Wallis 
Language: English 
Independently published, 2018. 
40 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1720017476; 9781720017479 
Summary: This is the story of how Mummy and Daddy made a baby. It is aimed at lower primary school age children. In this book we introduce the idea of reproduction and how a man and a woman might have a baby together. In this edition of the book we look at how Mummy and Daddy go to a fertility clinic to make a baby with IVF using a surrogate. It introduces the idea of donor eggs and donor sperm. This is a factual book which uses correct language for body parts. It also mentions the idea of the difference between reproduction and sex for pleasure. 

Mammas reise: Et slags eventyr

Mammas reise: Et slags eventyr 
by Anja Reiler 
Language: Norweigian 
Independently published, 2018. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1983227803 ; 9781983227806 
Summary: Denne boken bruker et enkelt språk, fargerike illustrasjoner og en eventyrstil for å forklare til et barn at det er mulig å bli til, uten en pappa. Den svarer på spørsmålene til små barn, både donorbarn og andre barn som måtte ha spørsmål. Den er lest av mange barn, foreldre og barnehageansatte med gode tilbakemeldinger. Den passer godt for både jenter og gutter. 

Untraditional you : an IVF story

Untraditional you : an IVF story 
by Mallory Belville 
Language: English 
[Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [2018]. 
30 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. 
ISBN: 9781726600187; 1726600181 
Summary: One couple dreams of becoming a Mommy and Daddy, but when things do not go as planned, they will stop at nothing to make their wish of having a baby come true. With the help of science and in vitro fertilization, they will finally receive the miracle they’ve always wanted. Through simple poetry and beautiful watercolor illustrations, this heart-warming story answers the age-old question “where do babies come from?” even if they arrive in an Untraditional way. 

You Were Made For Me

You Were Made For Me 
by Sheri Sturniolo 
illus. by Hannah Pak 
Language: English 
Made For Me, 2018. 
24 p. : col. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1732032211; 9781732032217 
Summary: Growing a family isn't always easy and sometimes mommies and daddies need a little help. Follow a couple as they experience the hopes, dreams, and disappointments of creating a family and how the generosity and love of others can grow into the most wonderful gift. You Were Made For Me is a children's book that takes a look into the unique and wonderful ways some families are made and the journey of love that brings them together. Using symbolism and sweet rhyming lyrics, You Were Made For Me introduces the complicated topic of being born from sperm, egg or embryo donation to a young child. By giving children the "pieces of the puzzle", this book sparks their imagination and stimulates them to ask questions. A great way to help families begin this journey with their child. 

Loved, Cuddled & Tickled Too!

Loved, Cuddled & Tickled Too! 
written and illustrated by Dean Russell-Rands
Language: English 
Independently published, 2018. 
29 p. : col.. ill. ; cm. 
ISBN: 1723832618; 9781723832611 
Summary: There are lots of different families in the world who may look different but all love the same. Loved, Cuddled & Tickled Too! provides children with an opportunity to talk about different types of families. This picture book gives them an opportunity to relate and see themselves in a story. Many families are often underrepresented in children's books and the illustrations throughout this book help children recognise that we are all loved, cuddled and tickled too. 

Mommy's belly has a boo boo

Mommy's belly has a boo boo 
by Christina Bloch 
Language: English 
Mustang, Oklahoma : Tate Publishing & Enterprises, [2013] ©2013. 
1 volume (unpaged) : colour illustrations ; 15 cm. 
ISBN: 9781627468930 1627468935 
Summary: Mommy's Belly Has a Boo Boo lightly describes the process of surrogacy. It promotes love and appreciation for both families and explains to the child the experience that occurred before they were born. 